The future is what?

Hier sitze ich nun
gefangen zwischen aufgeben und kämpfen
zwischen loslassen und festhalten

ein haus
das noch da steht
ein haus
das ich oft verflucht und gehasst habe
kurze gedankenblitze dass es doch besser wäre
wenn es vorbei wäre
und es gar nicht mehr existieren kann

ein haus
in dem ich tiefe freundschaft empfunden habe
mich unbesiegbar gefühlt habe
sluts gegen den rest der welt
denn innerhalb der wände konnte uns niemand was anhaben

ein haus
in dem ich mich unsterblich verliebt habe
und immer noch alles aufgeladen ist mit dieser erinnerung
the future is queer stand über meinem bett
es passte dort gut hin als wir davor gefickt haben
denn unsere gegenwart
war schon queer

wenn ich jetzt in mein altes zimmer sehe
denke ich eher
the future is destroyed
at least my future in this house

ich bin geflohen
aus angst
vor repression
es funktioniert nämlich sehr gut
ihre bedrohlichkeit

der schmerz ist da
zuerst gefroren
taut er nun langsam ab
während ich beginne zu verstehen was passiert.


I’m sitting here now
caught between giving up and fighting
between letting go and holding on

a house
that still stands here
a house
I’ve often cursed and hated
short flashes of thought that it would be better
if it were over
and it can no longer exist

a house
in which I felt deep friendship
I felt unbeatable
sluts against the rest of the world
because inside the walls, nobody could bother us

a house
where I’ve fallen deeply in love
and still everything is charged with this memory
the future is queer stand above my bed
it fit there well while we were fucking before
cause our present
was already queer

when I look into my old room now
I think rather
the future is destroyed
at least my future in this house

I fled
from repression
because it works very well
their threatening

the pain is here
first frozen
now it slowly melts away
while I’m beginning to understand what’s happening.

Nine Sentences

Since weeks I am trying to write a text about the present, about how I feel right now. It‘s happening so much, that I have the feeling I need to have some emotions I can write down. But I am starting text after text and after five sentences I recognize, that I have nothing to say. The only feeling that I have is emptiness mixed with a bit of anger. But not that type of anger, which is leading into much action. It‘s more this type, which makes me frozen.

I am prepared for the eviction. I am prepared that the home I‘ve loved most will be destroyed by the the executives of the state and then turned into luxury apartments by a capitalist asshole. Because he has still not enough money, not enough power.

Nine sentences.

Maybe enough to write down.